Our Goldwing at the base of the Teton Mountains Our Goldwing at rest in Utah Map of states we have visited Craters of the Moon Craig at entrance to Yellowstone


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel across the United States on the back of a motorcycle. My husband and I have spent the past seven years traveling across North America on our 2002 GL 1800 Honda Gold Wing. To date we have traveled 29,104 miles through 48 states and 3 Canadian Provinces. We've experienced temperatures over 100°, hail and even a June snowstorm. We've seen some of nature's most magnificent creatures including a buffalo that had traffic backed up for miles. Everywhere we visit, people flock over to stare at our bike and ask questions. Most simply can't believe that we have traveled as far as we have, while others want to have their picture taken next to the bike. I invite you to share in the excitement of our experiences by reading the daily journals we have kept.

Trip Archives

Contact Us

Whether you are planning a trip of your own, or just have questions or comments regarding our web site, please feel free to contact either Craig at BigC@awesome2some.com or myself at DSC366@awesome2some.com. Craig and Deb


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel across the United States on the back of a motorcycle. My husband and I have spent the past seven years traveling across North America on our 2002 GL 1800 Honda Gold Wing. To date we have traveled 29,104 miles through 48 states and 3 Canadian Provinces. We've experienced temperatures over 100°, hail and even a June snowstorm. We've seen some of nature's most magnificent creatures including a buffalo that had traffic backed up for miles. Everywhere we visit, people flock over to stare at our bike and ask questions. Most simply can't believe that we have traveled as far as we have, while others want to have their picture taken next to the bike. I invite you to share in the excitement of our experiences by reading the daily journals we have kept.

Born on: April 22, 2009, 2009